373. Lombard, N., Stander, M.A., Redelinghuys, H., Le Roux, M.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2022. A study of phenolic compounds and their chemophenetic value in the genus Thesium (Santalaceae). Diversity 14, 590 [IF (2022): 3.029]
371. Rattray, R.D., Mokwena, L., Stander, M.S., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2022. Essential oil composition and traditional uses of Salvia dentata, a poorly known medicinal plant from Namaqualand, South Africa. Molecules 27(19), 6478; https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27196478 [Impact Factor 4.927]
369. Khumalo, G.P., Sadgrove, N.J., Van Vuuren, S.F., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2021. South Africa’s best BARK medicines prescribed at the Johannesburg muthi markets for skin, gut, and lung infections: MIC’s and brine shrimp lethality. Antibiotics 10(6), 681 [IF: 4.639]
367. Brendler, T., Brinckmann, J.A., Feiter, U., Gericke, N., Lang, L., Pozharitskaya, O.N., Shikov, A., Smith, M., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2021. Sceletium for Managing Anxiety, Depression and Cognitive Impairment: a Traditional Herbal Medicine in Modern-Day Regulatory Systems. Current Neuropharmacology 19: 1384-1400 [IF: 7.363]
365. Van Schalkwyk, F.J., Stander, M.A., Nsizwane, M., Mathee, A., Van Wyk, B.-E., 2021. Fatal pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning of infants caused by adulterated Senecio coronatus. Forensic Science International 320, 110680. [IF: 2.395]
362. Stimpson, M.L., Whalley, R.D.B., McLean, L., Sadgrove, N.J., Gonzalez-Padilla, G.F., Van Wyk, B.-E., Clay, J., Bruhl, J., 2021. Colour of floral styles in the Banksia spinulosa Sm complex (Proteaceae) relates to the anthocyanin and favonol profile, not soil pH. Phytochemistry 192, 112931 [IF: 3.033]
356. Sadgrove, N.J., Senbill, H., Van Wyk, B.-E., Greatrex, B.W., 2020. New Labdanes with Antimicrobial and Acaricidal Activity: Terpenes of Callitris and Widdringtonia (Cupressaceae). Antibiotics 2020, 9, 173; doi:10.3390/antibiotics9040173 [IF 2019: 2.921]
355. Sadgrove, N.J., Oliveira, T.B., Khumalo, G.P., Van Vuuren, S.F., Van Wyk, B.-E., 2020. Antimicrobial Isoflavones and Derivatives from Erythrina (Fabaceae): Structure Activity Perspective (Sar & Qsar) on Experimental and Mined Values Against Staphylococcus aureus. Antibiotics 2020, 9, 223; doi:10.3390/antibiotics9050223 [IF 2019: 2.921]
352. Edwards, T., Howieson, J., Nutt, B., Yates, R., O’Hara, G., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2019. A ley-farming system for marginal lands based upon a self-regenerating perennial pasture legume. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39: 13 [2017 IF: 4.503]
343. Magwede, K., Ramovha, L.I., Mabogo, D.E.N., Van Wyk, A.E., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2019. Traditional uses of the remarkable root bark hairs of Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii (Anacardiaceae) by the Vhavenḓa, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 122: 529-534 (Special Issue: Sub-Saharan Ethnobotany) [IF: 1.504]
340. Stander, M.A., Redelinghuys, H., Masike, K., Long, H., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2019. Patterns of variation and chemosystematic significance of phenolic compounds in the genus Cyclopia (Honeybush tea) (Fabaceae, Podalyrieae). Molecules 24: 2352 [IF: 3.018]
337. Hulley, I.M., Özek, G., Sadgrove, N.J., Tilney, P.M., Özek, T., Başer, K.H.C., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2019. Essential oil composition of a medicinally important Cape species: Pentzia punctata (Asteraceae). South African Journal of Botany 127: 12-18 [IF: 1.504]
331. Hulley, I.M., Sadgrove, N.J., Tilney, P.M., Özek, G., S. Yur, Özek, K.H.C., Başer, K.H.C., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2018. Essential oil composition of Pentzia incana (Asteraceae), an important natural pasture plant in the Karoo region of South Africa. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 35(2): 137-145.
321. Sobiyi, O.K., Kamatou, G.P.P., Viljoen, A.M., Magee, A.R., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2017. Volatile constituents of Notobubon and Nanobubon (Apiaceae, tribe Tordylieae). Journal of Essential Oil Research 29(4): 289-298. [Impact Factor (2015): 0.871; ISSN Print: 1041-2905 Online ISSN: 2163-8152]
320. Le Roux, M.M., Wilkin, P., Balkwill, K., Boatwright, J.S., Bytebier, B., Filer, D., Klak, C., Klopper, R.R., Koekemoer, M., Livermore, L., Lubke, R., Magee, A.R., Manning, J.C., Paton, A., Pearce, T., Slingsby, J., Van Wyk, B.-E., Victor, J.E., Von Staden, L. 2017. Producing a plant diversity portal for South Africa. Taxon 66: 421–431 [Impact Factor 2.447; ISSN: 0040-03262]
317. Rakotonandrasana, S.R., Oskolski, A.A., Kotina E.L., Tilney, P.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2017. The rediscovery of Billburttia vaginoides, with notes on the taxonomy, morphology, anatomy, traditional uses and conservation status of the genus Billburttia (Apiaceae, tribe Apieae). Phytotaxa 321(3): 265–276. [Impact Factor (2016): 1.24; ISSN 1179-3155]
315. Liu, M., Plunkett, G.M., Lowry P.P. II, Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M., Nicolas, A.N. 2016. The phylogenetic significance of fruit and trichome structures in Apiaceae subfamily Mackinlayoideae. Systematic Botany 41(3):685–699.
314. Hulley, I.M., Tilney, P.M., Van Vuuren, S.F., Kamatou, G.P.P., Nortje, J.M., Viljoen, A.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2016.San and Nama indigenous knowledge: the case of lnhora (Pteronia camphorata) and its medicinal use. South African Journal of Science112 (9/10):1–9.
309. Liu, M., Van Wyk, B.-E.,Tilney, P.M., Plunkett, G.M., Lowry, P.P. II, Magee, A.R. 2016. The phylogenetic significance of fruit structural variation in the tribe Heteromorpheae (Apiaceae). Pakistan Journal of Botany 48(1):201–210.
308. Ruiters, A.K., Viljoen, A.M., Tilney, P.M., Van Vuuren, S.F., Kamatou, G.P.P. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2016. The anatomy, ethnobotany, antimicrobial activity and essential oil composition of southern African species of Teucrium (Lamiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 102:175-185.
304. Kanama, S.K., Viljoen, A.M., Kamatou, G.P.P. , Chen, W., Sandasi, M. , Adhami, H.-R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2015. Simultaneous quantification of anthrones and chromones in Aloe ferox ("Cape aloes") using UHPLC-MS. Phytochemistry Letters 13: 85-90.
301. Kotina, E., Stepanova, A., Oskolski, A.A., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2015. Crystal types and their distribution in the bark of African genistoid legumes (Fabaceae tribes Sophoreae, Podalyrieae, Crotalarieae and Genisteae). Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society 178: 620-632.
- 300. Magee, A.R., De Villiers, B.J., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2015. A revision of the South African genus Hermas (Apiaceae). Systematic Botany (in press).
- 299. De Wet, H., Struwig, M. Van Wyk, B.-E. 2015. Taxonomic notes on the genus Cocculus (Menispermaceae) in southern Africa. South African Journal of Botany 95:146-151.
- 2014:
- 298. De Wet, H., Struwig, M. Van Wyk, B.-E. 2014. Taxonomic notes on the genus Stephania (Menispermaceae) in southern Africa. South African Journal of Botany 95:146-151.
- 297. Kotina, E.L., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M., 2014. Anatomy of the leaf and bark of Warburgia salutaris (Canellaceae), an important medicinal plant from South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 94: 155-165.
- 296. Oskolski, A.A., Stepanova, A.V., Boatwright, J.S., Tilney, P.M., Van Wyk, B.-E., 2014. A survey of wood anatomical characters in the tribe Crotalarieae (Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 94: 155-165.
- 295. De Meyer, S.E., Cnockaert, M., Ardley, J.K., Van Wyk, B.-E., Vandamme, P.A., Howieson, J.G., 2014. Burkholderia dilworthii sp. nov. isolated from Lebeckia ambigua root nodules from South Africa. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64: 1090-1095.
- 2013:
- 294. De Beer, J.J. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. Voeding en fisieke welstand as deel van die skoolkurrikulum: 'n intervensie in 'n onderwysopleidingprogram: oorspronklike navorsing: voedsel. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 32(1): 1-6.
- 293. Nkonki, T., Ngwenya, A.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. A new species of Lessertia (Galegeae) from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Bothalia 43(2): 222-224.
- 292. Stepanova, A.V., Oskolski, A.A. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. Wood anatomy of the tribe Podalyrieae (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae): Diversity and evolutionary trends. South African Journal of Botany (Special Edition on Legumes) 89: 244-256.
- 291. Kotina, E.L., Oskolski A.A., Stepanova, A.V., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. Notes on the taxonomic and ecological significance of bark anatomy in the genus Virgilia (Fabaceae, Podalyrieae). South African Journal of Botany (Special Edition on Legumes) 89: 240-243.
- 290. Stepanova, A.V., Kotina, E.L., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. Wood and bark anatomy of Hypocalyptus (tribe Hypocalyptieae) support its isolated position in Leguminosae. South African Journal of Botany (Special Edition on Legumes) 89: 234-239.
- 289. Cardoso, D., Pennington, T., de Queiroz, L.P., Boatwright, J.S., Van Wyk, B.-E., Wojciechowski, M. & Lavin, M. 2013. Reconstructing the deep-branching relationships of the papilionoid legumes. South African Journal of Botany (Special Edition on Legumes) 89: 58-75.
- 288. Le Roux, M.M., Boatwright, J.S. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. A global infrageneric classification system for the genus Crotalaria (Fabaceae) based on molecular and morphological evidence. Taxon 62(5): 957-971.
- 287. Le Roux, M.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. A taxonomic revision of Amphitrichae, a new section of Crotalaria (Fabaceae). Systematic Botany 38(3): 638-652.
- 286. Olivier, D.K. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. Bitterness values for traditional tonic plants of southern Africa. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147: 676-679.
- 285. Magee, A.R., Ruiters, A.K., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. Proposal to conserve the name Phymaspermum (Asteraceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 62(2): 407-408.
- 284. Legume Phylogeny Working Group (Anne Bruneau, Jeff J. Doyle, Patrick Herendeen, Colin Hughes, Greg Kenicer, Gwilym Lewis, Barbara Mackinder, R. Toby Pennington, Michael J. Sanderson, and Martin F. Wojciechowski, with contributions from Stephen Boatwright, Gillian Brown, Domingos Cardoso, Michael Crisp, Ashley Egan, Renee H. Fortunato, Julie Hawkins, Tadashi Kajita, Bente Klitgaard, Erik Koenen, Matt Lavin, Melissa Luckow, Brigitte Marazzi, Michelle M. McMahon, Joseph T. Miller, Daniel J. Murphy, Hiroyoshi Ohashi, Luciano P. de Queiroz, Lourdes Rico, Tiina Sarkinen, Brian Schrire, Marcelo F. Simon, Elvia R. Souza, Kelly Steele, Benjamin M. Torke, Jan J. Wieringa & Ben-Erik Van Wyk) 2013. Legume phylogeny and classification in the 21st century: progress, prospects and lessons for other species-rich clades. Taxon 62(2): 217-249.
- 283. Chen, W., Sudji, I.R., Wang, E., Joubert, E., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Wink, M. 2013. Ameliorative effect of aspalathin from rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) on acute oxidative stress in Caenorhabditis elegans. Phytomedicine 20: 380-386.
- 282. Olivier, D.K. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. The major diterpenoids of the genus Arctopus (Apiaceae) with notes on their chemotaxonomic and medicinal significance. South African Journal of Botany 85: 94-98.
- 281. De Wet, H. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2013. Taxonomic notes on the genus Albertisia (Menispermaceae) in South Africa and Mozambique. South African Journal of Botany 84:1-5.
- 2012:
- 280. Van Wyk, B.-E. & De Beer, J.J.J. 2012. Sosiaalaanspreeklike etnobotaniese opnames in die Kaapse flora: etiese beginsels, metodologie en kwantifisering van data. SA Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie: 31(1), Art. #369, 8 pages.
- 279. De Beer, J.J.J. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. Inheemse kennis in die lewenswetenskappe klaskamer: wetenskap, pseudo-wetenskap, of 'n vermiste skakel? SA Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie: 31(1), Art. #368, 5 pages.
- 278. Long, H.S., Stander M.A. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. Notes on the occurrence and significance of triterpenoids (asiaticoside and related compounds) and caffeoylquinic acids in Centella species. South African Journal of Botany 82: 53-59.
- 277 b. Moteetee, A.N. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. Notes on African plants. Bothalia 42(2): 187-190.
- 277 a. Moteetee, A.N. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. Notes on African plants. Bothalia 42(2): 187-190.
- 276 b. Liu, M., Plunkett, G.M., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney P.M. & Lowry I.I. 2012. The phylogenetic significance of the carpophore in Apiaceae. Annals of Botany 110 (8): 1531-1543.
- 276 a. Liu, M., Plunkett, G.M., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney P.M. & Lowry I.I. 2012. The phylogenetic significance of the carpophore in Apiaceae. Annals of Botany 110 (8): 1531-1543.
- 275. Liu M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney P.M. 2012. Unusual carpological characters in Marlothiella gummifera (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 83: 19-22.
- 274. Stepanova A.V., Kotina E.L., Tilney P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. Leaf and stem anatomy of honeybush tea (Cyclopia species, Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 82: 123-128.
- 273. Kotina E.L., Stepanova A.V., Tilney P.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. The pharmacognostic value of leaf and stem anatomy in rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis). South African Journal of Botany 82: 129-133.
- 272 b. Kotina, E.L., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M. & Oskolski, A.A. 2012. The systematic significance of bark structure in southern African genera of tribe Heteromorpheae (Apiaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 169(3): 677-691.
- 272 a. Kotina, E.L., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M. & Oskolski, A.A. 2012. The systematic significance of bark structure in southern African genera of tribe Heteromorpheae (Apiaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 169(3): 677-691.
- 271 b. Moteetee, A.N. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. Revision of the genus Sphenostylis (Fabaceae: Phaseoleae) in South Africa and Swaziland. Bothalia 42(1): 1-6.
- 271 a. Moteetee, A.N. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. Revision of the genus Sphenostylis (Fabaceae: Phaseoleae) in South Africa and Swaziland. Bothalia 42(1): 1-6.
- 270. Le Roux, M.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. The systematic value of flower structure in Crotalaria and related genera of the tribe Crotalarieae (Fabaceae). Flora 207(6): 414- 426.
- 269. De Villiers, B.J., Oskolski, A.A., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. Wood anatomy of Cussonia and Seemannaralia (Araliaceae) with systematic and ecological implications. IAWA Bulletin 33(2): 163-186.
- 268. Chen, W., Van Wyk, B.-E., Vermaak, I. & Viljoen, A.M. 2012. Cape aloes - A review of the phytochemistry, pharmacology and commercialization of Aloe ferox. Phytochemistry Letters 5(1): 1-12.
- 267. Moteetee, A.N. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2012. A revision of the genus Dolichos (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae, Phaseoleae). South African Journal of Botany 78: 178-194.
- 2011:
- 266. Reinten, E.Y., Coetzee, J.H. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. The potential of South African indigenous plants for the international cut flower trade. South African Journal of Botany 77(4), 934-946.
- 265. Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011.The potential of South African plants in the development of new medicinal products. South African Journal of Botany 77(4), 812-829.
- 264. Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. The potential of South African plants in the development of new food and beverage products. South African Journal of Botany 77(4), 857-868.
- 263. O'Brien, C., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van Heerden, F.R. 2011. Physical and chemical characteristics of Aloe ferox leaf gel. South African Journal of Botany 77(4): 988-995.
- 262. Schutte-Vlok, A.L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. A taxonomic revision of Podalyria (Fabaceae). Systematic Botany 36(3): 631-660.
- 261. Magee, A.R., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M. & Vessio, N. 2011. A taxonomic revision of the Annesorhiza triternata group (Apiaceae, Apioideae): the transfer of Peucedanum triternatum and P. filicaule and the description of five new species. Systematic Botany 36 (2): 508-519.
- 260. Boatwright, J.S., Nkonki, T. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. The identity of Lessertia rigida (Thunb.) DC. (Galegeae, Fabaceae) and a new species from the greater Cape Region of South Africa. Systematic Botany 36(2): 371-375.
- 259. De Beer, J. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. An ethnobotanical survey of the Agter-Hantam, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 77(3): 741-754.
- 258. De Wet, H., Van Heerden, F.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. Alkaloidal variation in Cissampelos capensis. Molecules 16(4): 3001-3009.
- 257. Moteetee, A.N. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. Taxonomic notes on the genus Otoptera (Phaeoleae, Fabaceae) in southern Africa. South African Journal of Botany 77 (3): 492-496.
- 256. Corrigan, B.M., Van Wyk, B.-E., Geldenhuys, C.J. & Jardine, J.M. 2011. Ethnobotanical plant uses in the KwaNibela Peninsula, St Lucia, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 77(2): 346-359.
- 255. Shner, V., Alexeeva, T.V., Pimenov, M.G. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. Chromosome numbers of South African Umbelliferae (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 77(2): 497-502.
- 254. Moteetee, A.N. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. The medical ethnobotany of Lesotho: a review. Bothalia 41(1): 209-228.
- 253. Boatwright, J.S., Wink, M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. The generic concept of Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae): Reinstatement of the genera Euchlora, Leobordea and Listia and the new genus Ezoloba. Taxon 60(1): 161-177.
- 252. De Beer, J. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. Doing an ethnobotanical survey in the Life Sciences classroom. American Biology Teacher 73(2): 90-97.
- 251. Boatwright, J.S. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. The systematic position of Sophora inhambanensis (Sophoreae, Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 77(1): 249-250.
- 250. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2011. Annesorhiza asparagoides (Apiaceae), a new species from the Cederberg Mountains, Western Cape Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 77(1): 244-248.
- 249. Hulley, I.M., Viljoen, A.M., Tilney, P.M., Van Vuuren, S., Komatou, G.P. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. Pteronia divaricata (Asteraceae): A newly recorded Cape herbal medicine. South African Journal of Botany 77(1): 66-74.
- 248. Le Roux, M.M., Boatwright, J.S., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2011. The systematic significance of morphological and anatomical variation in the fruits of Crotalaria and related genera of the tribe Crotalarieae (Fabaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 165 (1): 84-106.
- 2010:
- 247. De Villiers, B.J., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. The taxonomic significance of leaf anatomical characters in Cussonia and related genera (Araliaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 164(3): 246-263.
- 246. Hulley, I.M., Viljoen, A.M., Van Vuuren, S., Tilney, P.M., Komatou, G.P. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. The ethnobotany, leaf anatomy, essential oil variation and biological activity of Pteronia incana (Asteraceae). South African Journal of Botany 76: 668-675.
- 245. Oskolski, A.A. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. Wood and bark anatomy of Centella: scalariform perforation plates support an affinity with the subfamily Mackinlayoideae (Apiaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution: 289: 127-135.
- 244. Demaene, E., Moteetee, A. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. Checklist of ferns and seed plants of the Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South Africa. Bothalia 40(2): 205-218.
- 243. Magee, A.R., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M. & Downie, S.R. 2010. Systematics of African and Malagasy Pimpinella and related genera (Apiaceae, Pimpinelleae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 288: 201-211.
- 242. Yembaturova, E.Y., Tilney, P.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Winter, P.J.D. 2010. The taxonomic significance of fruit morphology and anatomy in the genus Alepidea Delaroche (Apiaceae, subfamily Saniculoideae). Plant Diversity and Evolution 128: 369-385.
- 241. Boatwright, J.S., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. Taxonomy of Wiborgiella (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae), a genus endemic to the Greater Cape Region of South Africa. Systematic Botany 35: 325-340.
- 240. Oskolski, A.A., Rossouw, A.S. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. Wood and bark anatomy of Steganotaenia and Polemanniopsis (tribe Steganotaenieae, Apiaceae) with notes on phylogenetic implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society 163: 55-69.
- 239. Oskolski, A.A., Sokoloff, D.D. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. False paracarpy in Seemannaralia (Araliaceae): from bilocular ovary to unilocular fruit. Annals of Botany 106(1): 29-36.
- 238. Corrigan, B.M., Kneen, M., Geldenhuys, C.J. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. Spatial changes in forest cover on the KwaNibela Peninsula, St Lucia, South Africa during the period 1937 to 2008. Southern Forests 72(1): 47-55.
- 237. De Villiers, B.J., Van Vuuren, S.F., Van Zyl, R.L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. Antimicrobial and antimalarial activity of Cussonia species (Araliaceae). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 129: 189-196.
- 236. Magee A.R., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M. & Downie, S.R. 2010. A taxonomic revision of the South African endemic genus Dasispermum (Apiaceae, Apioideae). South African Journal of Botany 76: 308-323.
- 235. Magee, A.R., Calvino, C.I., Liu, M., Downie, S.R., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. New tribal delimitations for the early diverging lineages of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae. Taxon 57: 567-580.
- 234. Long H., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. The ethnobotany and pharmacognosy of Olea europaea subsp. africana. South African Journal of Botany 76: 324-331.
- 233. Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M. & Magee, A.R. 2010. A revision of the genus Glia (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 76: 259-271.
- 232. Van Wyk, B.-E., Mannheimer, C., Burke, A., Magee, A.R., Rossouw, A.S. & Tilney, P.M. 2010. A new species of Polemanniopsis (Apiaceae, subfam. Saniculoideae) from Namibia. South African Journal of Botany 76: 153-157.
- 231. Van Wyk, B.-E., Venter, M., Boatwright, J.S. 2010. A revision of the genus Bolusia (Fabaceae, Crotalarieae). South African Journal of Botany 76: 86-94.
- 230. Hulley, I.M., Viljoen, A.M., Van Vuuren, S., Tilney, P.M., Komatou, G.P. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2010. Ethnobotany, leaf anatomy, essential oil composition and anti-bacterial activity of Pteronia onobromoides (Asteraceae). South African Journal of Botany 76: 43-48.
- 2009:
- 229. Magee, A.R., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M., Sales, F., Hedge, I. & Downie, S.R. 2009. Billburttia, a new genus of Apiaceae (tribe Apieae) endemic to Madagascar. Plant Systematics and Evolution 283: 237-245.
- 228. Liu, M., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M., Plunkett, G.M. & Lowry, P.P. 2009. Evidence from fruit structure supports in general the circumscription of Apiaceae subfamily Azorelloideae. Plant Systematics and Evolution 280: 1-13.
- 227. Olivier D.K., Albrecht C.F., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van Heerden F.R. 2009. SU3, an oxocycloartane diglucoside from Sutherlandia humilis. Phytochemistry Letters 2: 123-125.
- 226. Boatwright, J.S., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2009. The generic concept of Lebeckia (Crotalarieae: Fabaceae): Reinstatement of the genus Calobota and the new genus Wiborgiella. South African Journal of Botany 75: 546-556.
- 225. Magee, A.R., Tilney, P.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Downie, S.R. 2009. Generic delimitations and relationships of the Cape genera Capnophyllum, Dasispermum and Sonderina, the North African Krubera and Stoibrax, and a new monotypic genus of the subfamily Apioideae (Apiaceae). Systematic Botany 34: 580-594.
- 224. Boatwright, J.S., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2009. A revision of the African genus Robynsiophyton (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 75: 367-370.
- 223. Yembaturova, E., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2009. A review of the genus Curtisia (Cornaceae). Bothalia 39: 87-96.
- 222. Magee, A.R., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2009. A taxonomic revision of the genus Capnophyllum (Apiaceae, Apioideae). South African Journal of Botany 75: 283¬-291.
- 221. Magee, A.R., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2009. A revision of the woody Cape genus Notobubon (Apiaceae). Systematic Botany 34: 220-242.
- 220. Le Roux, M.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2009. A revision of Lebeckia sect. Lebeckia: The L. pauciflora and L. wrightii groups (Fabaceae, Crotalarieae). South African Journal of Botany 75: 83-96.
- 219. Tilney, P.M., Van Wyk, B.-E., Downie, S.R. & Calviño, C.I. 2009. Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Lichtensteinia (Apiaceae) based on morphological, anatomical and DNA sequence data. South African Journal of Botany 75: 64-82.
- 2008:
- 218. Boatwright, J.S., Marianne M. Le Roux, M.M., Wink, M., Morozova, T. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. Phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Crotalarieae (Fabaceae) inferred from DNA sequences and morphology. Systematic Botany 33: 752-761.
- 217. Magee, A.R., Tilney, P.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Downie, S.R. 2008. Ezosciadium: yet another early diverging South African apioid. Plant Systematics and Evolution 276: 167-175.
- 216. Oskolski, A. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. Systematic wood anatomy of the tribe Heteromorpheae (Apiaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society 158: 569-583.
- 215. Boatwright, J.S., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. A taxonomic revision of the genus Rothia (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 21: 422-430.
- 214. Olivier, D., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van Heerden, F.R. 2008. The chemotaxonomic and medicinal significance of phenolic acids in Arctopus and Alepidea (Apiaceae subfamily Saniculoideae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 36: 724-729.
- 213. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Albrecht, A. 2008. A review of the taxonomy, ethnobotany, chemistry and pharmacology of Sutherlandia frutescens (Fabaceae). Journal of Ethnophamacology 119: 620-629.
- 212. Brendler, T. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. A historical, scientific and commercial perspective on the medicinal use of Pelargonium sidoides (Geraniaceae). Journal of Ethnophamacology 119: 420-433.
- 211. Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. A broad review of commercially important southern African medicinal plants. Journal of Ethnopharmarmacology 119: 342-355.
- 210. Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. A review of Khoi-San and Cape Dutch medical ethnobotany. Journal of Ethnophamacology 119: 331-341.
- 209. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2008. A new species of Lichtensteinia (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 74: 757-760.
- 208. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Kolberg, H. 2008. A new species of Lotononis section Oxydium (Fabaceae, Crotalarieae). South African Journal of Botany 74: 750-752.
- 207. Van Wyk, B.-E., De Castro, A., Tilney, P.M., Winter P.J.D. & Magee, A.R. 2008. A new species of Alepidea (Apiaceae, subfam. Saniculoideae). South African Journal of Botany 74: 740-745.
- 206. Magee, A.R., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2008. A taxonomic revision of the genus Cynorhiza (Apiaceae: Apioideae). South African Journal of Botany 74: 726-734.
- 205. Magee, A.R., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. A taxonomic revision of the genus Nanobubon (Apiaceae: Apioideae). South African Journal of Botany 74: 713-719.
- 204. Van Wyk, B.-E., De Wet, H. & Van Heerden, F.R. 2008. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in the southeastern Karoo, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 74: 696-704.
- 203. Le Roux, M.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. A revision of Lebeckia sect. Lebeckia: The L. plukenetiana group (Fabaceae, Crotalarieae). South African Journal of Botany 74: 660-676.
- 202. Magee, A.R., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M. & Van der Bank, M. 2008. A taxonomic revision of the South African endemic genus Arctopus (Apiaceae, Saniculoideae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 95: 471-486.
- 201. Winter, P.J.D., Magee, A.R., Phephu, N., Tilney, P.M., Downie, S.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. A new generic classification for African peucedanoid species (Apiaceae). Taxon 57: 347-364.
- 200. Magee, A.R., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2008. The identity of Bubon gummiferum (Peucedanum gummiferum) (Apiaceae). Taxon 57: 615-618.
- 199. Boatwright, J.S., Savolainen, V, Van Wyk, B.-E., Schutte-Vlok, A.L., Forest, F. & Van der Bank, M. 2008. Systematic placement of the anomalous genus Cadia and the phylogeny of the tribe Podalyrieae. Systematic Botany 33: 133-147.
- 198. De Wet, H. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. An ethnobotanical survey of southern African Menispermaceae. South African Journal of Botany 74: 2-9.
- 197. De Villiers, B.J. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. A new species of the genus Hermas (Apiaceae) from South Africa. Novon 18: 29-32.
- 196. Moteetee, A.N. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2008. A synopsis of the Middle Eastern and Asian species of Argyrolobium (Genisteae - Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 74: 10-24.
- 2007:
- 195. De Wet, H., Van Heerden, F.R., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van Zyl, L. 2007. Antiplasmodial activity and cytotoxicity of Albertisia delagoensis. Fitoterapia 78: 420-422.
- 194. Moteetee, A.N. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2007. The concept of ´Musa-pelo and the medicinal use of shrubby legumes (Fabaceae) in Lesotho. Bothalia 37: 75-77.
- 193. Boatwright, J.S., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2007. The identity of Lebeckia lotononoides (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 73: 664-666.
- 192. Boatwright, J.S. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2007. A new species of Rafnia (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 73: 471-473.
- 191. Liu, M, Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2007. A revision of the genus Marlothiella (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 73: 208-213.
- 190. Liu, M, Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2007. Irregular vittae and druse crystals in Steganotaenia fruits support a taxonomic affinity with the subfamily Saniculoideae (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 73: 252-255.
- 189. Liu, M, Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2007. A taxonomic revision of the genus Choritaenia (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 73: 184-189.
- 188. Le Roux, M.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2007. A revision of Lebeckia sect. Lebeckia: the L. sepiaria group. South African Journal of Botany 73: 118-130.
- 187. Magee, A.R., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van Vuuren, S. 2007. The ethnobotany and anti-microbial activity of sieketroos (Arctopus echinatus, Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 73: 159-162.
- 2006:
- 186. Calvino, C.I., Tilney, P.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Downie, S.R. 2006. A molecular phylogenetic study of Southern African Apiaceae. American Journal of Botany 93: 1828-1847.
- 185. Moteetee, A.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2006. A revision of the genus Bolusafra (Phaseoleae). South African Journal of Botany 72: 604-608.
- 184. Liu, M., Plunkett, G.M., Lowry P.P., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2006. The taxonomic value of fruit wing types in the order Apiales. American Journal of Botany 93(9): 1357-1368.
- 183. Van Wyk, B.-E., Magee A.R., Jarvis, C.E. & Tilney, P.M. 2006. Proposal to conserve the name Arctopus echinatus with a conserved type (Apiaceae). Taxon 55: 541.
- 182. Moteetee, A. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2006. Sesotho names for edible plants (exotic and indigenous) in southern Africa. Bothalia 36: 25-32.
- 181. Moteetee, A. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2006. A revision of the genus Melolobium (Genisteae, Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 71(4): 51-98.
- 180. Steenkamp, P.A., Harding, N.M., Van Heerden, F.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2006. Identification of atractyloside by LC-ESI-MS in alleged herbal poisonings. Forensic Science International 163 (1-2): 81-92.
- 2005:
- 179. De Wet, H., Van Heerden, F.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2005. Alkaloids of Antizoma miersiana (Menispermaceae) Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 33(8): 799-807.
- 2004:
- 178. De Wet, H., Van Heerden, F.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2004. Alkaloids of Antizoma angustifolia (Menispermaceae) Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 32: 1145-1152.
- 177. Kljuykov, E.V., Liu, M., Ostroumova, T.A., Pimenov, M.G., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2004. Towards a standardised terminology for taxonomically important morphological characters in the Umbelliferae. South African Journal of Botany 70(3): 488-496.
- 176. Steenkamp, P.A., Harding, N.M., Van Heerden, F.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2004. Determination of atractyloside in Callilepis laureola using solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure ionisation mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1058: 153-162.
- 175. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2004. Diversity of Apiaceae in Africa. South African Journal of Botany 70(3): 433-445.
- 174. Liu, M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2004. The taxonomic value of fruit structure in the Chinese endemic genus Dickinsia (Apiaceae), Nordic Journal of Botany 22(5): 603-607 (2003 issue, printed in 2004)
- 173. Liu, M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2004. Ontogeny of the fruits of two anomalous African woody genera Polemanniopsis and Steganotaenia (Apiaceae) and their phylogenetic relationship. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 60(3): 249-257.
- 172. Steenkamp, P.A., Harding, N.M., Van Heerden, F.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2004. Fatal Datura poisoning: Identification of atropine and scopolamine by high performance liquid chromatography/photodiode array/mass spectrometry. Forensic Science International 145: 31-39.
- 2003:
- 171. Netnou, N.C. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2003. A new combination in the genus Macledium (Mutiseae). Bothalia 33(2): 158-159.
- 170. Treutlein, J., Smith, G.F., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Wink, M. 2003. Evidence for the polyphyly of Haworthia (Asphodelaceae subfamily Alooideae; Asparagales) inferred from nucleotide sequences of rbcL, matK, ITS1 and genomic fingerprinting with ISSR-PCR. Plant Biology 5: 513-521.
- 169. Liu, M., Shi, L., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2003. Fruit anatomy of the genus Bupleurum (Apiaceae) in northeast China and notes on systematic implications. South African Journal of Botany 69: 151-157.
- 168. Viljoen, A.M., Van Vuuren, S., Ernst, E.J., Klepser, M.E., Demirci, B., Baser, K.H.C. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2003. Osmitopsis asteriscoides (Asteraceae) - the antimicrobial activity and essential oil composition of a Cape-Dutch remedy. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 88: 137-143.
- 167. Liu, M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2003. The taxonomic value of fruit structure in the subfamily Saniculoideae and related African genera (Apiaceae), Taxon 52: 261-270.
- 166. Treutlein, J., Smith, G.F., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Wink, M. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships in the Asphodelaceae (subfamily Alooideae) inferred from chloroplast DNA sequences (rbcL, matK) and from genomic fingerprinting (ISSR), Taxon 52: 193-207.
- 165. Van Heerden, F.R., Van Wyk, B.-E., Viljoen, A.M. & Steenkamp, P.A. 2003. Phenolic variation in wild populations of Aspalathus linearis (rooibos tea), Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 31: 885-895.
- 164. Van Wyk, B.-E. 2003. The value of chemosystematics in clarifying relationships in the genistoid tribes of papilionoid legumes. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 31: 875-884.
- 2002:
- 163. Van der Bank, M., Chase, M.W., Van Wyk, B.-E., Fay, M.F., Van der Bank, F.H., Reeves, G. & Hulme, A. 2002. Systematics of the tribe Podalyrieae (Fabaceae) based on DNA, morphological and chemical data. Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society 139: 159-170.
- 162. Viljoen, A.M., Demirci, B., Baser, K.H.C. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2002. The essential oil composition of the roots and rhizomes of Siphonochilus aethiopicus. South African Journal of Botany 68: 115-116.
- 161. Viljoen, A.M., Klepser, M.E., Ernst, E.J., Keele, D., Roling, E., Van Vuuren, S., Demirci, B., Baser, K.H.C. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2002. The composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of the resurrection plant, Myrothamnus flabellifolius. South African Journal of Botany 68: 100-105.
- 160. Moteetee, A., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2002. The taxonomic significance of trichome type and distribution in Melolobium (Fabaceae). Bothalia 32: 85-89.
- 159. De Wet, H., Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2002. Vegetative morphology and anatomy of Cissampelos in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 68: 181-190.
- 158. Van Wyk, B.-E. 2002. A review of ethnobotanical research in southern Africa. South African Journal of Botany 68: 1-13.
- 157. Holzapfel, C.W., Marais, W., Wessels, P.L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2002. Furanoterpenoids from Siphonochilus aethiopicus. Phytochemistry 59: 405-407.
- 156. Steenkamp, P.A., Van Heerden, F.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2002. Accidental fatal poisoning by Nicotiana glauca: identification of anabasine by high performance liquid chromatography/photodiode array/mass spectrometry. Forensic Science International 127: 208-217.
- 155. Viljoen, A.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van Heerden, F.R. 2002. The chemotaxonomic value of the diglucoside anthrone homonataloside B in the genus Aloe. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 30: 1-9.
- 2001:
- 154. Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2001. A revision of the genus Annesorhiza (Apiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 21(4): 615-649.
- 153. Moteetee, A. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2001. The identity of Melolobium lampolobum (Papilionoideae). Bothalia 31(2): 189-212.
- 152. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 2001. The generic position of Annesorhiza filicaulis Eckl. & Zeyh. (Apiaceae). Edinburgh Journal of Botany 58(3): 383-387.
- 151. Viljoen, A.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2001. A chemotaxonomic and morphological appraisal of Aloe series Purpurascentes, Aloe section Anguialoe and their hybrid, Aloe broomii. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 29, pp 621-631.
- 150. Van der Bank, H., Van der Bank, M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2001. A review of the use of allozyme electrophoresis in plant systematics. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 29: 469-483.
- 149. Viljoen, A.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Newton, L.E. 2001. The occurrence and taxonomic distribution of the anthrones aloin, aloinoside and microdontin in Aloe. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 29: 53-67.
- 148. Smith, G.F., Van Wyk, B.-E., Steyn, E.M.A. & Breuer, I. 2001. Infrageneric classification of Haworthia (Aloaceae): perspectives from nectar sugar analysis. Systematics and Geography of Plants 71: 391-397.
- 147. Campbell, G.J. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2001. A taxonomic revision of Rafnia (Fabaceae, Crotalarieae). South African Journal of Botany 67(3): 90-149.
- 146. Van Wyk, B.-E. 2001. A preliminary analysis of evolution of African and Madagascan Apiaceae. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 58(2): 291-299.
- 2000:
- 145. Van Heerden, F.R., Viljoen, A.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2000. The major flavonoid of Dodonaea angustifolia. Fitoterapia 71: 602-604.
- 144. Viljoen, A.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2000. The chemotaxonomic value of the phenyl pyrone, aloenin in the genus Aloe. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 28: 1009-1017.
- 143. Dagne, E., Bisrat, D., Viljoen, A.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2000. Chemistry of Aloe Species. Current Organic Chemistry 4: 1055-1078.
- 142. Bisrat, D., Dagne, E., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Viljoen, A. 2000. Chromones and anthrones from Aloe marlothii and Aloe rupestris. Phytochemistry 55: 949-952.
- 141. Van Heerden, F.R., Viljoen, A.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 2000. 6’-O-Coumaroylaloesin from Aloe castanea - a taxonomic marker for Aloe section Anguialoe. Phytochemistry 55: 117-120.
- 1999:
- 140. Van der Bank, M., Van der Bank, F.H. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1999. Evolution of sprouting versus seeding in Aspalathus linearis. Plant Systematics and Evolution 219: 27-38.
- 139. Viljoen, A.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1999. The chemotaxonomic value of two cinnamoyl chromones, aloeresins E and F, in Aloe (Aloaceae). Taxon 48(4): 747-754.
- 138. Viljoen, A.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Newton, N.E. 1999. Plicataloside in Aloe: a chemotaxonomic appraisal. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 27: 507-517.
- 137. Schubert, M.T.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1999. Three new species of Centella series Montanae (Apiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 19 (4): 427-434.
- 136. Campbell-Young, G.J., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Turland, N. 1999. Proposal to conserve the name Spartium capense (Leguminosae) with a conserved type. Taxon 48(4): 833-834.
- 135. Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M. & Winter, P.J.D. 1999. Four new genera of Apiaceae of Madagascar. Taxon 48: 737-745.
- 1998:
- 134. Smith, G.F., Willis, C.K. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1998. Systematic biologists of South Africa, unite! South African Journal of Science 94: 107-108.
- 133. Jackson, S., Nicolson, S.W. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1998. Apparent absorption efficiencies of nectar sugars in the Cape sugarbird, with a comparison of methods. Physiological Zoology 71(1): 106-115.
- 132. Nicolson, S.W. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1998. Nectar sugars in Proteaceae: patterns and processes. Australian Journal of Botany 46: 489-504.
- 131. Viljoen, A.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van Heerden, F.R. 1998. Flavonoids, a neglected chemotaxonomic character in the genus Aloe. Plant Systematics and Evolution 211: 31-42.
- 130. De Nysschen, A.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van Heerden, F.R. 1998. Seed flavonoids of the tribes Podalyrieae and Liparieae (Fabaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 212: 1-11.
- 129. Schubert, M.T.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1998. Three new species of Centella series Glabratae (Apiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 18: 461-469.
- 128. Moshe, D., Van der Bank, H., Van der Bank, M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1998. Lack of genetic differentiation between 19 populations from seven taxa of Sutherlandia (tribe Galegeae, Fabaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 26: 595-609.
- 127. Schutte, A.L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1998. Evolutionary relationships in the Podalyrieae and Liparieae based on morphological, cytological and chemical evidence. Plant Systematics and Evolution 209: 1-31.
- 126. Dagne, E., Bisrat, D., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Viljoen, A., 1998. 10-Hydroxyaloin-6'-O-monoacetate B, an oxanthrone from Aloe claviflora. Journal of Natural Products 61: 256.
- 125. Schutte, A.L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1998. The tribal position of Hypocalyptus Thunb. (Fabaceae). Novon 8: 178-182.
- 1997:
- 124. Schubert, M.T.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1997. A revision of Centella series Capenses (Apiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 17(3): 301-314.
- 123. Makhuvha, N., Van Wyk, B.-E., Van der Bank, H. & Van der Bank, M. 1997. Genetic polymorphism in wild and cultivated Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Zingiberaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 25(4): 343-351.
- 122. Smith, G.F., Van Wyk, B.-E., Viljoen, A.M. & Condy, G. 1997. Plectranthus spicatus. The Flowering Plants of Africa 55, Plate 2139.
- 121. Allison, I. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1997. A revision of the genus Anginon (Apiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 17(6): 561-577.
- 120. Holzapfel, C.W., Wessels, P.L., Van Wyk, B.-E., Marais, W. & Portwig, M. 1997. Chromone and aloin derivatives from Aloe broomii, A. africana and A. speciosa. Phytochemistry 45(1): 97-102.
- 119. Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P.M. & Allison, I. 1997. Morphological variation and phylogenetic relationships in the genus Anginon (Apiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 17(5): 511-526.
- 118. Dagne, E., Bisrat, D., Van Wyk, B.-E., Viljoen, A., Hellwig, G. & Steglich, W. 1997. Anthrones from Aloe microstigma. Phytochemistry 44(7): 1271-1273.
- 117. Smith, G.F., Van Jaarsveld, E.J., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Taylor, S. 1997. Portulaca rhodesiana, a succulent hitherto unrecorded in southern Africa. Bothalia 27(2): 139-140.
- 116. Van Wyk, B.-E., Winter, P.J.D. & Buys, M.H. 1997. The major flower anthocyanins of Lobostemon (Boraginaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 25(1): 39-42.
- 1996:
- 115. Smith, G.F., Van Wyk, A.E., Johnson, L.A.S. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1996. Southern African plant systematics: needs, priorities and actions. South African Journal of Science 92: 314-320.
- 114. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1996. Priorities for biosystematic studies of the Southern African flora. South African Journal of Science 92: 327-329.
- 113. Van der Bank, F.H. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1996. Biochemical genetic markers to identify hybrids between Aloe arborescens and A. ferox. South African Journal of Botany 62(6): 328-331.
- 112. Schubert, M.T.R., Van Wyk, B.-E., Van der Bank, F.H. & Van der Bank, M. 1996. Morphological and biochemical genetic evidence for hybridization in the genus Centella (Apiaceae), with notes on phylogenetic and taxonomic implications. Bothalia 26(2): 167-175.
- 111. Van Heerden, F.R., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Viljoen, A.M. 1996. Aleoresins E and F, two chromone derivatives from Aloe peglerae. Phytochemistry 43(4): 867-869.
- 110. Dagne, E., Van Wyk, B.-E., Mueller, M. & Steglich, W. 1996. Three dihydroanthracenones from Gasteria bicolor. Phytochemistry 41(3): 795-799.
- 109. Dagne, E., Van Wyk, B.-E., Stephensen, D. & Steglich, W. 1996. Three oxanthrones from Aloe littoralis. Phytochemistry 42(6): 1683-1687.
- 108. Van der Bank, M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van der Bank, H. 1996. Speciation in Virgilia: allopatric divergence followed by introgression? Plant Systematics and Evolution 201: 57-73.
- 107. Viljoen, A.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. Van der Bank, H. & Smith G.F. 1996. A chemotaxonomic and biochemical evaluation of the identity of iAloe candelabrum (Aloaceae). Taxon. 45(3): 461-471.
- 106. Schubert, M.T.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1996. A new species of Centella (Apiaceae). Bothalia 26: 50-53.
- 105. Wessels, P.L., Holzapfel, C.W., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Marais, W. 1996. Plicataloside, an O,O-diglycosylated naphthalene derivative from Aloe plicatilis. Phytochemistry 41: 1547-1551.
- 104. Winter, P.J.D. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1996. A revision of the genus Heteromorpha (Apiaceae). Kew Bulletin 51: 225-265.
- 103. De Nysschen, A.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van Heerden, F.R. 1996. The major phenolic compounds in the leaves of Cyclopia species (honeybush tea). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 24: 243-246.
- 102. Viljoen, A.M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Dagne, E. 1996. The chemotaxonomic value of 10-hydroxyaloin and its derivatives in Aloe series Asperifoliae Berger. Kew Bulletin 51: 159-168.
- 101. Van der Bank, H., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van der Bank, M. 1996. Genetic variation within and geographical relationships between four natural populations of Virgilia oroboides (Tribe Podalyrieae: Fabaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 24: 135-143.
- 1995:
- 100. Smith, G.F., Van Wyk, B.-E., Mossmer, M. & Viljoen, A. 1995. The taxonomy of Aloinella, Guillauminia and Leemea (Aloaceae). Taxon. 44: 513-517.
- 99. Campbell, G., Van der Bank, H. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1995. Genetic variation in Haworthia pumila and H. herbacea. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 793-797.
- 98. Van Wyk, B.-E., Yenesew, A. Dagne, E. 1995. The chemotaxonomic significance of root anthraquinones and pre-anthraquinones in the genus Lomatophyllum. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 805-808.
- 97. Holzapfel, C.W., Van Wyk, B.-E., De Castro, A., Marais, W. & Herbst, M. 1995. A chemotaxonomic survey of kaurene derivatives in the genus Alepidea (Apiaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 799-803.
- 96. Van Wyk, B.-E., Greinwald, R. & Witte, L. 1995. The taxonomic significance of alkaloids in the Lupinus pusillus group (Fabaceae, Genisteae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23(5): 533-537.
- 95. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G.H. 1995. Optical rotation of quinolizidine alkaloids: an important variable in chemosystematic studies of Fabaceae. Plant Systematics and Evolution 198: 267-274.
- 94. Tilney, P.M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1995. Unusual structural variation in the fruit of Dasispermum suffuticosum (Apiaceae): a new record of heteromorphic fruits in the family. South African Journal of Botany 61(5): 245-248.
- 93. Barnes, K., Nicolson, S.W. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1995. Nectar sugar composition in Erica. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23(4): 419-423.
- 92. Schutte, A.L., Vlok, J.H.J. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1995. Fire-survival strategy - a character of taxonomic, ecological and evolutionary importance in fynbos legumes. Plant Systematics and Evolution 195: 243-259.
- 91. Schubert, M.T.R. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1995. A taxonomic study of the Centella rupestris group. Nordic Journal of Botany 15: 263-268.
- 90. Van der Bank, M., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van der Bank, H. 1995. Biochemical genetic variation in four wild populations of Aspalathus linearis (Rooibos tea). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 257-262.
- 89. Van der Bank, H., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van der Bank, M. 1995. Genetic variation in two economically important Aloe species. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 251-256.
- 88. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Nicolson, S.W. 1995. Xylose is a major nectar sugar in Faurea and Protea. South African Journal of Science 91: 151-153.
- 87. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Winter, P.J.D. 1995. The homology of red flower colour in southern African Crassulaceae. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 291-293.
- 86. Van Wyk, B.-E., Winter, P.J.D. & Schutte, A.L. 1995. The taxonomic significance of anthocyanins in the tribe Liparieae (Fabaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 295-297.
- 85. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Schutte, A. L. 1995. Stirtonanthus, a new name for Stirtonia (Leguminosae, tribe Podalyrieae). Nordic Journal of Botany 15: 67.
- 84. Smith, G.F. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1995. Poellnitzia rubrifolia. The Flowering Plants of Africa 54, Plate 2119.
- 83. Mossmer, M., Smith, G.F. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1995. Haworthia fasciata fa. fasciata (Aloaceae). The Flowering Plants of Africa 54, Plate 2118.
- 82. Schubert, M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1995. Two new species of Centella L. with notes on the infrageneric taxonomy. Nordic Journal of Botany 15: 167-171.
- 81. Van Wyk, B.-E., Van Oudtshoorn, M.C.B. & Smith, G.F. 1995. Geographical variation in Aloe ferox leaf exudate. Planta Medica 61: 250-253.
- 80. Van Wyk, B.-E., Yenesew, A. & Dagne, E. 1995. Chemotaxonomic significance of anthraquinones in the Asphodeloideae (Asphodelaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 277-281.
- 79. Van Wyk, B.-E., Yenesew, A. & Dagne, E. 1995. Chemotaxonomic survey of anthraquinones and pre-anthraquinones in the roots of Aloe species. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 267-275.
- 78. Van der Bank, H., Van der Bank, M. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1995. Allozyme variation in Virgilia oroboides (tribe Podalyrieae, Fabaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23: 47-52.
- 1994:
- 77. Burger, I.C., Heidema, J., Labuschagne, T.A., Meyer, T.A. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1994. Gradogramme - 'n nuwe hulpmiddel vir kladistiese taksonomie. S. A. Tydskrif vir Wetenskap & Tegnologie 13(3): 135-141.
- 76. Van Jaarsveld, E.J., Smith, G.F. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1994. A cladistic analysis of Gasteria (Asphodelaceae). South African Journal of Science 90: 467-470.
- 75. De Castro, A. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1994. Diagnostic characters and geographical distribution of Alepidea species used in traditional medicine. South African Journal of Botany 60(6): 345-350.
- 74. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 1994. The taxonomic value of fruit morphology and anatomy in the genus Annesorhiza (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 60(5): 240-244.
- 73. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Winter, P.J.D. 1994. Chemotaxonomic value of anthocyanins in Podalyria and Virgilia (tribe Podalyrieae: Fabaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 22(8): 813-818.
- 72. Schutte, A. L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1994. A reappraisal of the generic status of Liparia and Priestleya (Fabaceae). Taxon 43(4): 573-582.
- 71. Winter, P.J.D. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1994. Taxonomic value of leaf epidermal characters in the genus Heteromorpha (Apiaceae). Bothalia 24(2): 187-194.
- 70. Smith, G.F., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Glen, H.F. 1994. Aloe barberae to replace A. bainesii. Bothalia 24(1): 34-35.
- 69. Smith, G.F., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Van Jaarsveld, E.J. 1994. Was Gasteria nitida var. armstrongii validly published? Bothalia 24(1): 34.
- 68. Cron, G.V., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Vincent, P.L.D. 1994. Chromosome counts for seven species of Cineraria L. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae). Bothalia 24(1): 91-92.
- 67. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Schutte, A. L. 1994. Stirtonia, a new genus of the tribe Podalyrieae. Nordic Journal of Botany 14: 319-325.
- 1993:
- 66. Linder, H.P., Vlok, J.H.J., McDonald, D., Oliver, E.G.H., Boucher, C., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Schutte, A.L. 1993. The high altitude flora and vegetation of the Cape Flora, South Africa. Opera Botanica 121: 247-261.
- 65. Winter, P.J.D., Van Wyk, B.-E. & Tilney, P.M. 1993. The morphology and development of the fruit in Heteromorpha (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany 59(3): 336-341.
- 64. Van Wyk, B.-E., Greinwald, R. & Witte, L. 1993. Alkaloids of the genera Dicraeopetalum, Platycelyphium and Sakoanala. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 21(6): 711-714.
- 63. Van Wyk, B.-E., Greinwald, R. & Witte, L. 1993. The taxonomic significance of alkaloids in the South American genus Anarthrophyllum (Fabaceae-Crotalarieae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 21(6): 705-709.
- 62. Smith, G.F., Cole, D.T. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1993. Bechuanaland: a misunderstood geographical name; and the type locality of Haworthia tenuifolia (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae). Taxon 42: 369-371.
- 61. Schutte, A.L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1993. The reinstatement of the genus Xiphotheca (Fabaceae). Taxon 42: 43-49.
- 60. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1993. Nectar sugar composition in southern African Papilionoideae (Fabaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 21: 271-277.
- 59. Van Wyk, B.-E., Whitehead, C.H., Glen, H.F., Hardy, D.S., Van Jaarsveld, E.J. & Smith, G.F. 1993. Nectar sugar composition in the subfamily Alooideae (Asphodelaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 21: 249-253.
- 1992:
- 58. Schutte, A. L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1992. A new species of Coelidium (Liparieae). Bothalia 22: 188-189.
- 57. Oliver, E.G.H., Fellingham, A.C. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1992. A new species of Priestleya from the south-western Cape. Bothalia 22: 47-51.
- 56. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1992. The identity of Argyrolobium obsoletum and the correct names for some species of Polhillia (Crotalarieae). Bothalia 22: 42-43.
- 55. Verdoorn, G.H. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1992. Oxypterine, a chlorinated alkaloid from Lotononis oxyptera. Phytochemistry 31: 1029-1032.
- 54. Van Wyk, B.-E., Verdoorn, G.H. & Schutte, A.L. 1992. Distribution and taxonomic significance of major alkaloids in the genus Podalyria. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 20: 163-172.
- 53. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G.H. 1992. Alkaloids of Nicotiana africana. South African Journal of Science 88: 56-57.
- 52. Verdoorn, G.H. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1992. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids from the seed of Crotalaria capensis. Phytochemistry 31: 369-371.
- 1991:
- 51. Smith, G.F. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1991. Generic relationships in the Alooideae (Asphodelaceae). Taxon 40: 557-581.
- 50. Van Wyk, B.-E., Verdoorn, G.H. & Greinwald R. 1991. Taxonomic significance of alkaloids in the genus Liparia. South African Journal of Botany 57: 344-347.
- 49. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G.H. 1991. Alkaloidal variation in the genus Pearsonia. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 19: 685-695.
- 48. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G.H. 1991. Taxonomic significance of alkaloids in the genus Robynsiophyton. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 19: 681-683.
- 47. Verdoorn, G. H. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1991. Co-occurrence of hydroxylated lupanines and their corresponding angelate esters in Pearsonia species. Phytochemistry 30: 3631-3634.
- 46. Van Wyk, B.-E., Verdoorn, G.H., Greinwald R. & Bachmann, P. 1991. Taxonomic significance of major alkaloids in the genus Priestleya. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 19: 595-598.
- 45. Schutte, A. L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1991. A new species of Amphithalea (Liparieae). Bothalia 21: 58-59.
- 1990:
- 44. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G. H. 1990. Alkaloids as taxonomic characters in the tribe Crotalarieae (Fabaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 18(7 & 8): 503-515.
- 43. Verdoorn, G. H. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1990. Esters of quinolizidine alkaloids from the genus Pearsonia. Phytochemistry 29: 1297-1302.
- 42. Schutte, A. L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1990. Taxonomic relationships in the genus Dichilus (Fabaceae, Crotalarieae). South African Journal of Botany 56(2): 244-256.
- 41. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1990. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). XIV. Three new species of the sections Telina and Polylobium. Bothalia 20(1): 75-80.
- 40. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1990. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). XIII. Two new species and notes on the occurrence of cleistogamy in the section Leptis. Bothalia 20(1): 17-22.
- 39. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1990. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). XII. Four new species of the L. falcata group (section Leptis). Bothalia 20(1): 9-16.
- 38. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1990. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). XI. A new species of the section Leobordea from north-western Namibia. Bothalia 20(1): 73-75.
- 37. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1990. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). X. L. esterhuyseana, a new species from the south-western Cape Province. Bothalia 20(1): 70-73.
- 36. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1990. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). IX. Four new species of the L. pentaphylla group (section Lipozygis). Bothalia 20(1): 1-7.
- 35. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Whitehead, C. S. 1990. The chemotaxonomic significance of prunasin in Buchenroedera. South African Journal of Botany 56(1): 68-70.
- 1989:
- 34. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1989. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). VII. New taxa and new combinations in the section Oxydium. South African Journal of Botany 55(6): 652-661.
- 33. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1989. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). VI. Two species of the L. digitata group (section Krebsia) from the north-western Cape Province. South African Journal of Botany 55(6): 647-651.
- 32. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1989. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). VIII. A new species of the L. corymbosa group and notes on the taxonomy of the section Lipozygis. South African Journal of Botany 55(5): 528-532.
- 31. Van Wyk, B.-E., Greinwald, R. & Verdoorn, G. H. & Witte, L. 1989. Chemotaxonomic significance of alkaloids in the genus Spartidium (Fabaceae - Crotalarieae). South African Journal of Botany 55(5): 523-527.
- 30. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G. H. 1989. Alkaloids of the genera Aspalathus, Rafnia and Wiborgia. South African Journal of Botany 55(5): 520-522.
- 29. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G. H. 1989. Chemotaxonomic significance of alkaloids in the genus Pearsonia. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 17(5): 391-394.
- 28. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G. H. 1989. A chemotaxonomic survey of major alkaloids in Lotononis and Buchenroedera. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 17(5): 385-389.
- 27. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1989. The taxonomic value of cyanogenesis in Lotononis and related genera (Fabaceae - Crotalarieae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 17(4): 297-303.
- 26. Greinwald, R., Veen, G., Van Wyk, B.-E., Czygan, F.-C. & Witte, L. 1989. Distribution and taxonomic significance of alkaloids in the genus Virgilia. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 17(3): 231-238.
- 25. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G. H. 1989. Chemotaxonomic significance of alkaloids in Lebeckia. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 17(3): 225-229.
- 24. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Schutte, A. L. 1989. Taxonomic relationships amongst some genera of Leguminosae tribe Crotalarieae and Argyrolobium (Genisteae). Kew Bulletin 44(3): 397-423.
- 23. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1989. The identity of Lotononis elongata (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). Bothalia 19(1): 32-34.
- 22. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1989. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). V. A new species of the L. involucrata group (section Polylobium) from the north-western Cape Province. Bothalia 19(1): 7-8.
- 21. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1989. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). II. Three new species of the section Telina from the Cape Province. Bothalia 19(1): 1-5.
- 20. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G. H. 1989. Major alkaloids of the genus Argyrolobium. South African Journal of Botany 55(2): 196-198.
- 19. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1989. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). IV. Three new species of the L. umbellata group (section Polylobium) from the Cape Province. South African Journal of Botany 55(2): 178-183.
- 1988:
- 18. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1988. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). III. A new species of the L. angolensis group (section Polylobium) from the northern Cape Province. South African Journal of Botany 54(6): 628-630.
- 17. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Schutte, A. L. 1988. Chromosome numbers in Lotononis and Buchenroedera (Fabaceae - Crotalarieae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 75(4): 1603-1607.
- 16. Van Wyk, B.-E., Verdoorn G. H. & Schutte, A L. 1988. The chemotaxonomic value of major alkaloids of the genus Dichilus. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 16: 471-473.
- 15. Van Wyk, B.-E., Van Wyk, C. M. & Novellie, P. A. 1988. Flora of the Zuurberg National Park. 2. An annotated checklist of ferns and seed plants. Bothalia 8(2): 221-232.
- 14. Van Wyk, B.-E., Novellie, P. A. & Van Wyk, C. M. 1988. Flora of the Zuurberg National Park. 1. Characterization of major vegetation units. Bothalia 18(2): 211-220.
- 13. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Schutte, A. L. 1988. Chromosome Reports: Fabaceae. Taxon 37(2): 398.
- 12. Van Wyk, B.-E., Verdoorn G. H. & Greinwald, R. 1988. The major alkaloids of the genus Polhillia. South African Journal of Botany 54(4): 389-391.
- 11. Van Wyk, B.-E., Verdoorn G. H., Burger, L. & Greinwald, R. 1988. The major alkaloids of the genus Melolobium. South African Journal of Botany 54(4): 386-388.
- 10. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1988. Studies in Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae). I. Three new species of the section Aulacinthus from the Cape Province. Bothalia 18(1): 31-36.
- 9. Schutte, A. L. & Van Wyk, B.-E. 1988. A synopsis of the genus Dichilus (Fabaceae - Crotalarieae). South African Journal of Botany 54(2): 182-184.
- 8. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1988. Lotononis caerulescens (Fabaceae - Crotalarieae): a new combination for Lebeckia microphylla, with notes on the distinction between Buchenroedera, Lebeckia and Lotononis. South African Journal of Botany 54(2): 175-181.
- 7. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Verdoorn, G. H. 1988. The chemotaxonomic significance of integerrimine in Buchenroedera and Lotononis section Krebsia. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 16: 287-289.
- 6. Van Wyk, B.-E., Verdoorn, G. H. & Schutte, A. L. 1988. Observations on the occurrence and distribution of alkaloids in some genera and species of the tribe Crotalarieae (Fabaceae). South African Journal of Botany 54(1): 75-79.
- 1987:
- 5. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1987. Taxonomic notes on Argyrolobium variopile, and the status of Lotononis magnistipulata. South African Journal of Botany 53(3): 395-397.
- 4. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1987. Lotononis brevicaulis: a new species from the south western Cape province. South African Journal of Botany 53(2): 161-165.
- 1986:
- 3. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1986. A revision of Virgilia (Fabaceae - Podalyrieae). South African Journal of Botany 52: 347-353.
- 1982:
- 2. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1982. Virgilia (Keur): some preliminary results of species and provenance differences in establishment and early growth. South African Forestry Journal 123: 24-28.
- 1. Van Wyk, B.-E. 1982. Keur (Virgilia oroboides): a feasible indigenous hardwood for the South African forestry industry. South African Forestry Journal 122: 49-51.